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Revised 18 Dec 1997
Northrop Grumman Toastmasters 212
Main Functions of the Chief Evaluator:
1) Chair the evaluation portion of the meeting.
2) Act as the quality control manager of the meeting.
Before arriving at the meeting:
___ Contact evaluators and grammarian of the meeting; inform and confirm their attendance at the meeting.
___ Arrange for alternate evaluator(s)/grammarian for those assignees not attending the meeting.
After arriving at the meeting and before the meeting starts:
___ Verify the presence of evaluators and grammarian.
___ Arrange for alternate evaluator(s)/grammarian in the case of absentee(s).
When the meeting starts.
___ Note when the meeting starts; you will note whether or not meeting started on time.
___ Notice everything; you will evaluate the meeting as a whole during the evaluation program after call for the ballots for best evaluator/grammarian (see below "Some Items to Watch").
At the intermission:
___ Assign each evaluator to the speaker whose presentation is to be evaluated by the evaluator.
___ Remind the evaluator to get the speaker's manual and to ask what specific things that the speaker wants to the evaluator to watch and listen for.
Evaluation program:
___ Be introduced as the Chief Evaluator by the Toastmaster of the meeting.
___ Explain the purpose and procedure of the evaluation program.
___ Call for explanation of the timing procedure for the evaluators.
___ Introduce each evaluator in the order in which the speaker whose presentation is being evaluated spoke.
___ Add your evaluation of the speaker ONLY if your contribution is in addition to what was said by the evaluator; do not repeat what was already said.
___Introduce the grammarian; the grammarian is not timed.
___ Call for timer's report as needed.
___ Call for vote for best evaluator/grammarian.
___ As ballots for best evaluator/grammarian are being collected, begin your evaluation of the meeting as a whole.
___ When evaluation of meeting as whole is completed, return control of the meeting to the Toastmaster of the meeting.
Evaluation of the Meeting as a Whole:
Remember that as Chief Evaluator you are responsible for quality control of the proceedings of the meeting. Please note what is done correctly and what could have been done differently.
Give acknowledgment when a job is well done. State what things did not work, and why they did not work; offer suggestions for improvement where improvement can be made.
Some Things to Watch:
In general, were things done in an APPROPRIATE manner? Were they done in a TIMELY manner? Were things done as is customary in Northrop Grumman Toastmasters? Would you have been proud and happy to have your invited guest be at the meeting to see and hear what transpired?
Recall that the Chief Evaluator is the quality control manager. He/she will note what things worked well during the meeting, acknowledging those individuals involved so that positive reinforcement is given to those behaviors we want to have continued. The Chief Evaluator will also note those things that did not work as well, and why not, as well as offering suggestions on how it might be done differently the next time.
The Chief Evaluator might watch the following items during the meeting and comment on how well they were done, and to offer suggestions for improvement.
Call to Order: Did the meeting start on time? Why or Why not? What could have been done differently?
Business Meeting: Did the Chairman have control of the business meeting, or did it get out of control? Did it go over the time allotted for it on the agenda?
Table Topics: Were all guests invited to participate? Was the
timing procedure explained as appropriate? Were the topics of a nature that everybody could address in a reasonable manner? Was the topic appropriate for the group? Were all meeting attendees not already having an assignment called on for Table Topics? Did it end on time?
Educational Program: Was the educational presenter introduced in an appropriate manner? Was the educational topic appropriate for the club? Was the topic covered in an adequate manner? Did it end on time?
Speaking Program: During the speaking program, did the Toastmaster perform his/her functions as is customary in Northrop Grumman Toastmasters? Was the timing procedure for the various speeches explained? Were the speakers introduced in an appropriate manner? Did the Toastmaster remind the audience to write evaluations for the speakers? Were the speeches all manual speeches?
Evaluation Program: Were the evaluations appropriate? Were the evaluations helpful to the speakers?
IN SUMMARY, the Chief Evaluator chairs the evaluation portion of the meeting. The Chief Evaluator also acts as the quality control manager of the meeting. During the evaluation of the meeting as a whole, the Chief Evaluator will point out what was done well. He/she will also note the things that did not work as well, why they did not work as well, along with suggestions as to how they might be done differently.