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Northrop Grumman Club 212
Meeting Agenda
Reminders regarding Toastmaster’s Etiquette during a meeting
Never leave the lectern unattended.¨
When approaching/leaving the lectern, shake the hand of the member at the lectern.¨
When called to the lectern, approach the lectern in a timely fashion (remember, club members will be applauding until you reach it).¨
The Toastmaster should sit in one of the seats nearest the lectern during the meeting.¨
The Table Topics Master should sit at a seat nearest the lectern, during the meeting, or in a special seat near the lectern during Table Topics.¨
The Timer shall stand when giving the timing limits.¨
The Table Topics Master should first call on those members who do not have a speaking assignment on the agenda (does not include, PBRT, Ah Counter, Invocation & Pledge Leader, Sergeant-at-Arms).
At 5:30 p.m.
Mr. Michael Jue
"Ladies and Gentlemen, please be seated (pause). Ladies and Gentlemen, Northrop Grumman Toastmasters Club 212, CLUB PRESIDENT Dr. Anderson."
Dr. Anderson
"Good evening fellow Toastmasters and most welcome guests. It’s good to see you all hear this evening.
I hope your day has been an enjoyable one. We will have
Ms. Scottie Gray
lead us in our invocation and pledge.
Ms. Scottie Gray
(1) If giving an invocation religious in nature;
"Everyone please rise, (pause) Dear Lord thank you for giving those who are here tonight the wisdom to know the value of continuing to improve personally and also for giving us the courage to pursue those things which make us better. Amen. Now please face the flag, place your hand on your heart and begin with me. I pledge allegiance to the flag ……."
(2) If giving a thought for the day;
" Everyone please rise and face the flag (pause). Place your hand on your heart and begin with me. I pledge allegiance to the flag……..and justice for all. Please be seated (pause), today’s thought for the day is; never argue with an idiot, people who are listening may not be able to tell the difference."
:Dr. Anderson
"Thank you Ms. Scottie Gray for that very inspirational thought. At this time I would to acknowledge our guests this evening. Dr. Anderson will you please introduce our guest sitting next to you."
Mr. Michael Kadrmas
"Yes Madam President, I am pleased to introduce to the club
Mrs. Sasaki of Honolulu.
:Dr. Anderson
"Welcome Mrs. Sasaki it’s nice to have you as our guest this evening.
Let’s take a minute and review tonight’s agenda. Mr. Vice President of Education, are there any agenda changes for this evening?"
Mr. Peter Gerrard
"Yes, Madam Chair, I have noticed the scheduled timer
Mrs. Cheryl Carter
is not present so we will need to have a replacement for the role of timer."(and so on for all absent roles)
:Dr. Anderson
"Thank you Mr. Vice President, Mr. Bill Elder will you please fill the role of timer for the evening please."
(and so on for all absent roles)
"And I see Ms. Gale Mitchell is the AH Counter for the evening, and Mr. Michael Kadrmas was the PBRT recipient last week so please keep your eye out for PBRT candidates this evening."
" Mr. Secretary will you please read the minutes from last week’s meeting?"
Mr. Michael Jue
"Yes Madam Chair, last weeks meeting minutes were recorded as follows; Meeting number 2184 was called to order at ………….. and the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m."
:Dr. Anderson
"Thank you Mr. Secretary, are there any corrections or additions to last weeks meeting minutes?
(pause; if not continue, …>The meeting minutes are accepted as read." … if so, corrections/additions will be acknowledged)
"We will now have reports from the Executive Committee beginning with the Vice President of Education."
Mr. Peter Gerrard
"Thank you Madam Chair. I have no new information from the Educational Committee to report at this time."
:Dr. Anderson
"Thank you Mr. Vice President of Education. And now our Vice President of Membership."
(and so on for each Executive Committee member:
Vice President of Public Relations,¨
former President,¨
Sergeant-At-Arms )
:Dr. Anderson
"Are there any Special Committee reports?" (pause)
"Is there any old business to conclude?" (pause)
"Is there any new business?" (pause)
"That concludes our business meeting. At this time it gives me great pleasure to introduce your Toastmaster for the evening. S/he has been a club member for a short period of time and has worked hard in developing his/her communication skills. Always eager and always ready please welcome your Toastmaster for the evening Able Toastmaster Mr. Michael Kadrmas.
Mr. Michael Kadrmas
"Thank you Madam President. Good evening Toastmasters and welcomed guests. Have we got an exciting program planned for this evening! We’ve got a Topic Master lined up who always comes up with innovative ways to stimulate us. We have an educational presentation this evening on Parliamentary Procedure that’s guaranteed to be a winner. As usual we will have our prepared speeches which are always fun and interesting especially looking at who’s scheduled to speak. And of course we will have our evaluation program this evening led by our Chief Evaluator Ms. Scottie Gray. We’ve got a lot of things to do tonight so we’re going to get started in just a second. But before we call on our Topic Master to lead into table topics I will call upon our Grammarian for the evening to share with us the word of the day. Please welcome our Grammarian Mr. Michael Jue."
Mr. Michael Jue
"Thank you, Mr. Toastmaster. Good evening fellow Toastmasters and welcomed guests. Tonight’s word of the day is
, a noun, it means a fear or dislike of strangers or foreigners (pause). His xenophobia prevented him from meeting new friends."" XENOPHOBIA, try and use it tonight whenever you speak. In addition to listening for the word of the day, I will be listening for any awkward use or misuse of the English language. Things like incomplete sentences, sentences that change direction in midstream, or any incorrect grammar, with a note of who erred. I will also comment on any outstanding use of language such as vivid descriptions.
and I will give a report later on this evening, Mr. Toastmaster."
Mr. Michael Kadrmas
"Thank you Mr. Grammarian. We should have no problem fitting that word in our presentations tonight. All right, it’s time bring up the Topic Master, someone who always comes prepared to test our wits. Please welcome your topic master for the evening
Able Toastmaster Ms. Gale Mitchell."
Ms. Gale Mitchell
"Thank you Mr. Toastmaster. Good evening, I know everyone is just dying for the opportunity to get up here and think on your feet. Toastmasters has a tradition that every member speaks at a meeting. The Table Topics session is that portion of the meeting which insures (PG note: In case someone comments on this, the word "ensure" is also correct!) this tradition. The purpose of this session is to have members think on their feet and speak for a minute or so. Before we get started, would the Timer please explain the time limits for table topics, Mr. Timer."
Mr. Peter Gerrard
"Yes, Madam Topic Master, for table topics the timing rules are: after the speaker has spoken for one minute the green light will appear, after one and half minutes the yellow light will appear, after two minutes the red light will appear, and if the speaker is still speaking at two and one half minutes the buzzer will sound. Speakers must speak a minimum of one minute ad no more than two and one half minutes in order to be eligible for the Best Table Topic award."
(The Timer will be called upon to explain the different timing limits for the various presentations throughout the meeting. Each timing limit will be similarly explained.)
Ms. Gale Mitchell
"Thank you Mr. Timer. Our topic tonight is one all of us are familiar with, yet I think you may find it challenging at the same time. (Mr./Ms. club member) Mr. Michael Kadrmas what is your position on………….."
(after the Topic Master has called upon all non-scheduled members [members who do not have an assignment on the agenda] and asked any guest if they want to participate)
"That is all the time we have for the table topic session. Mr. Timer, were all the table topic responses within the time limits.
Mr. Peter Gerrard
"Yes, all topic responses were within the time limits and therefore all speakers are eligible for the best table topic award."
(If not…the Timer would state that…)
The following members --- ____________, were not within the time limits.
Ms. Gale Mitchell
"Thank you Mr. Timer.
(Topic Master acknowledges member and participating guests by stating…)
I hope you have enjoyed giving your responses as much as we enjoyed listening to them. Please vote for the person that you felt gave the best table topic response. Please write their name on your ballots, and Mr. Ram Kakkar will you please collect and tally the ballots. I now return control of the meeting to the Toastmaster, Mr. Michael Kadrmas."
Mr. Michael Kadrmas
"Thank you Ms. Gale Mitchell for that very interesting and enjoyable topic session. I was surprised to learn from those responses how many xenophobic people there are in the world."
" Now it’s time for that exciting Educational Program I promised earlier. Mr. Peter Gerard (Vice President of Education) please introduce our educational presenter this evening"
Mr. Peter Gerard
"Thank you Mr. Toastmaster, yes indeed we are all in for a treat tonight. Our educational presenter is extremely knowledgeable in the art of malapropism eradication and has assured me that within next 20 minutes we will all be experts. Please welcome our Educational Presenter Ms. Scottie Gray."
Ms. Scottie Gray
"Thank you, Mr. Vice President of Education………and from now on, so are each and every one of you."
"Mr. Vice President of Education."
Mr. Peter Gerrard
"Thank you Ms. Scottie Gray that was indeed just as exhilarating as was promised. That does conclude our Educational Program for the evening. I return control of the meeting to our Toastmaster, Mr. Michael Kadrmas. "
Mr. Michael Kadrmas
"Thank you Mr. Peter Gerrard, it is now time for intermission, and I know we are right on schedule so we will take a ten minute break. (If running late, a 5 minute break) Before we break however, I would like to remind the evaluators to please make certain they have coordinated with their respective speakers. Mr. Timer, please set the timer for ten minutes and announce a forewarning when two minutes remain. We will recess ten minutes."
Mr. Michael Kadrmas
"Club 212 meeting number 2185 is back in session. And now it’s time for the very important prepared speeches. That portion of meeting where scheduled speakers give prepared presentations based on specific manual project objectives. We will of course have the evaluation program immediately following the speakers, but I would like to remind everyone to fill out the evaluation slips and make sure you share your thoughts with the speakers on how their speeches impacted you."
"Before we call our first speaker up to the lectern Mr. Timer please explain the timing for a five to seven minute speech."
(explains time as described above)
Mr. Peter Gerrard
Mr. Michael Kadrmas
"Thank you Mr. Timer. Our first speaker this evening will be giving speech number four, "Show What You Mean," from The Basic Communication and Leadership Manual. The objective of the "Show What You Mean" project is to: Learn the value of gestures and body movements as part of a speech, To explore the different ways of using body language, and to develop a sense of timing and natural smooth body movements."
"So let’s give a warm welcome of applause to Competent Toastmaster Dr. Krystal Anderson speaking on " I can’t believe it happened to me."
Dr. Anderson
(it is not necessary to verbally address the Toastmaster after introduction, however it is customary to acknowledge the Toastmaster at the conclusion of the presentation (PG’s comment: I disagree - I think you should start by addressing the Toastmaster but wait until he or she has reached her seat before you do!)
"Mr. Toastmaster."
Mr. Michael Kadrmas
"Thank you Dr. Anderson for that very interesting presentation. I‘ll remind all of you again to use the evaluation sheets and forward your comments to the speakers, we will have one moment of silence to allow you to fill out the form."
(the Toastmaster will introduce the subsequent speakers in the same manner)
Mr. Michael Kadrmas
"That concludes the prepared speeches for the evening, Mr. Timer will you give us the timing report please."
Mr. Peter Gerrard
" Mr. Toastmaster, all speeches were within the allotted time limits and all speakers are eligible for the Best Speaker Award."
(If all speakers were not within the time limits…the timer will indicate so by stating that…) The following speakers--- ___________ were not within the time limits
Mr. Michael Kadrmas
"Thank you Mr. Timer. Now please vote for the person you thought gave the best presentation this evening, and Mr. Jue will you please collect and tally the ballots."
"It is now time for the Evaluation Program…to conduct that evaluation program please welcome our Chief Evaluator this evening, Ms. Scottie Gray ."
Ms. Scottie Gray
"Thank you, Mr. Toastmaster, Yes, indeed now is the very important evaluation portion of our meeting. That time when the speakers get that important feed back on how their speeches impacted the evaluators. The purpose of the evaluations is to help the speakers become better speakers."
(PG’s comment: Remember "Evaluate to Motivate!").
"Will theTimer please explain the timing rules for the evaluators please."
(explains timing as described above)
Mr. Peter Gerrard
:Ms. Scottie Gray
"Thank you Mr. Timer. Please welcome our First Evaluator,
Mr. Michael Jue
, who will be evaluating Dr. Anderson’s speech "I can’t believe it happened to me .
Mr. Michael Jue
"Thank you Madam Chief Evaluator. Fellow Toastmasters, most welcomed guests, and especially Dr. Anderson ………. And I’m looking forward to your next presentation, Madam Chief Evaluator."
Ms. Scottie Gray
"Thank you, Mr. Michael Jue."
(the Chief Evaluator will introduce the subsequent evaluators in the same manner)
"Our final evaluator is our Grammarian, who will be giving us the Grammarian’s Report. This last evaluator is not timed. Please welcome the Grammarian, Mr. Michael Jue."
Mr. Michael Jue
"Thank you Madam Chief Evaluator. …………… and that concludes my Grammarian Report. Madam Chief Evaluator."
Ms. Scottie Gray
"Thank you Mr. Grammarian. Mr. Timer will you please give us your timing report."
Mr. Peter Gerrard
" Madam Chief Evaluator all evaluators were within the allotted time limits and are eligible for the best evaluator award."
(If all evaluators were not within the allotted time limits….the Timer will indicate so by stating that…) The following evaluators were not within the appropriate time limits, ________…..
Ms. Scottie Gray
"Thank you. Now please vote for the person you felt gave the best evaluation this evening, and remember that the grammarian is also eligible for this award. Mr. Michael Jue will you please collect and tally the ballots."
"While Mr. Michael Jue collects the ballots I will give my evaluation of tonight’s meeting………and that concludes my report on the meeting this evening, I return control of the meeting to our Toastmaster, Mr. Michael Kadrmas."
Mr. Michael Kadrmas
"Thank you Madam Chief Evaluator. Now it is time to present tonights awards. Will Ms. Scottie Gray, last week’s Table Topic winner, please present The Best Table Topic Award
(The Toastmaster calls upon previous weeks’ winners of
Table Topics,¨
Evaluator, and¨
Speaker.)"That concludes my responsibilities as Toastmaster for this evening. I have enjoyed this opportunity to be your Toastmaster and will now return control of the meeting to our CLUB PRESIDENT Dr. Anderson.
:Dr. Anderson
"Thank you Mr. Toastmaster. Now please vote for the Best Program Manager, those in the running are tonight’s
Toastmaster, Mr. Michael Kadrmas¨
the Table Topic Master, Ms. Gale Mitchell and¨
the Chief Evaluator, Ms. Scottie Gray.Please vote for the person you felt gave best performance as program manager this evening. Also please vote for the most humorous speaker this evening, and mark that ballot with an "H" to signify "the most humorous." Mr. Peter Gerrard will you collect and tally those ballots please."
"While Mr. Peter Gerrard is collecting those ballots we will have the demerit awards.
Ms. Gale Mitchell
do you a AH count for the evening?"
Ms. Gale Mitchell
"Yes Madam Chair, I have listened for and tallied all Ah’s for the evening and tonights recipient of the Ah award goes to
Mr. Ram Kakkar
:Dr. Anderson
"Thank you Ms. Gale Mitchell for counting the Ah’s evening. Mr. Ram Kakkar as tonight’s recipient of the Ah award you will be the Ah Counter next week."
"Mr. Michael Kadrmas please announce tonight’s PBRT recipient and for the benefit of the guests, please explain what the PBRT Award is."
Mr. Michael Kadrmas
"Thank you Madam Chair. PBRT stands for Perpetual Balloon Race Trophy and… originally it was awarded to the person who spoke the longest but said the least. However, in recent times it has been awarded to the person who commits the worst gaff in the evening (for example, leaving lectern unattended, forgetting to ask for timing) …………….and for that reason the PBRT Award goes to Ms. Cheryl Carter this evening."
:Dr. Anderson
"Thank you Mr. Michael Kadrmas. I see that the ballots for The Best Program Manager and The Most Humorous Speaker have been tallied.
(CLUB PRESIDENT calls upon last week’s winners for the awards.)
"Do we have any announcements at this time?"
"Would our guests like to share any comments about tonight’s meeting?"
"Now let’s review next weeks agenda."
"That concludes our Northrop Grumman Toastmasters Club 212 meeting 2185, we are adjourned.