"Invocation" or "Thought for the Day"


Northrop Grumman Toastmaster Club 212

"...the positive, enjoyable, supportive environment we need to learn and grow as communicators and leaders."

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Courtesy of Michael Kadrmas


The Invocation

Prior to the Meeting:

Check with the VPE to see if there is a meeting theme. If so consider preparing invocation in concert with theme.

During The Meeting


Invocation or Thought for the Day?


Give invocation first, if prayer or appealing to a deity. (God before country)


Lead pledge first, then give thought for the day


Invocation/Thought for the Day






Motivationally Uplifting


General interest to audience


Make notes of things that would be of interest to you, and club members


This page created Wed 18 Mar 1997

This page last revised Sat 23 Jan 1999