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Club Coach/Mentor Program

(Suggestion Only)

Presented by L. Christopher Delfosse, ATM-B

1. What is a Coach/Mentor Program? · Personalized support and training program for new members and others who have been members of a club

· Helps members to achieve their goals

· Helps Develop and improve skills their communication and leadership skills and builds confidence

2. Who benefits? · There are many benefits

a. To the new members and others who have been members

b. To the club

c. To (you) the coach/mentor

3. What are the steps to developing and implementing or strengthening a coach/mentor program? a. Club must be committed to such a program

b. President and VPE should select/elect a "Program Coordinator"

c. Recruit "qualified" club members who could be successful coach/mentors

d. VPE and/or Program Coordinator assigns members to mentors

4. What are some general guidelines to this program? · Mentor sets up the initial "get-together" - an interview session (this helps to build a bond)

· Use Member Interest Survey Form - Find out what their reasons for joining are (were)

· Set up specific goals in writing - helps the members keep focused on their objectives

· Give feedback and support whenever possible (often)

· Keep in touch with mentees - be available, supportive, involved

Follow up and make adjustments whenever possible