Chief Evaluator (rev. Wed
26 Nov 1997 -- material provided by Michael Kadrmas)
Chief Evaluator of Meeting
The Chief Evaluator presides over the Evaluation Program, as well as providing quality control of the various meeting elements. The Chief Evaluator will evaluate the quality of the evaluators' evaluations, as well as how the meeting was conducted by the various functionaries of the meeting. The Chief Evaluator will reinforce good quality by pointing out what was done well, and how to improve what was not done as well as they could have been.
Before the meeting -
Give your written introduction to the Toastmaster of the meeting.
Explain the evaluation program purpose to the audience.
Ask the timer to explain the timing procedure for the evaluations.
Introduce the first evaluator who will be evaluating the first speakers speech.
Introduce the second evaluator who will be evaluating the second speakers speech.
Introduce the Grammarian, mention that the grammarian's presentation is not timed.
Ask the timer if all evaluators were within the time limits.
Ask the audience to vote for the best evaluator of the meeting, including grammarian.
Appoint someone to collect the ballots.
Present your evaluation of the meeting.